Fig. (5) DNA Fragmentation were determined after 24 h of exposure to negative control (vehicle), NBQ-48 (100 µM), ABQ-48 (50 µM), and camptothecin (CP, positive control, 50 µM). Cells treated with: both NBQ-48 and ABQ-48 showed 28% percent of fragmented DNA and CP presented a 37% cells with fragmented DNA. ANOVA Statistical analisis showed significant (p <0.001) difference in cells exposed to CP, ABQ-48 and NBQ-48 when compared with the negative control. Experiment was performed in replicates and normalized with negative control (expressed in percent %). Statistical analysis performed was a one-way ANOVA, with Tukey post hoc test, where p <0.05 was considered to be significant. (P summary;*** = p <0.0001, ** p<0.001).