Table 1: Percentage of the top 10 scored minor groove decoys with an RMSD less than 2.0 Å and higher than 4.0 Å among the four docking algorithms and associated scoring functions.

PDB code Percentage of decoys with RMSD <2.0 Å Percentage of decoys with RMSD >4.0 Å
ASP ChemScore GoldScore Autodock ASP ChemScore GoldScore Autodock
1d63 0 10 40 70 90 70 30 30
1eel 20 10 10 0 80 60 60 50
2b0k 10 0 20 100 90 80 70 0
2b3e 10 30 20 0 80 60 70 100
2dbe 10 0 10 100 80 70 80 0
2f8w 0 0 10 0 100 100 90 100
2gvr 0 0 10 30 90 100 90 70
3oie 0 0 10 70 90 100 70 30
3u05 20 10 10 100 60 60 60 0
3u08 10 10 20 100 80 80 70 0
4z4b 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100
109d 20 10 20 100 80 80 70 0
360d 0 10 10 70 100 90 60 0
459d 0 0 10 0 100 100 60 100
Mean 6.43 6.43 14.29 52.86 87.14 82.14 70.00 41.43