Fig. (1) (A). IDSwsp nucleotide sequence. In blue, the sequences corresponding to the IDS-F and IDS-R primers are shown. (B), Alignment of the IDSwsp consensus and IDSnh nucleotide sequences. An observation of the homology between the two sequences, which shows that the IDS consensus starts right after the sequence that encodes for the peptide signal (first 75 nucleotides). Highlighted in pink two substitutions can be observed, one in nucleotide 1201 (C/T) and another in nucleotide 1256 (T/C). For the native sequence, the nucleotides between 121 and 1260 are omitted, while for the consensus sequence, the nucleotides between 53 and 1192 are omitted. (C). Alignment of the IDSnh (Native) and IDSwsp ORF amino acid sequences. Those underlined indicate the amino acids involved in substitutions, where the substitution C/T in the third nucleotide of codon 415 produces P, the same amino acid as that of the native sequence. The T/C substitution in the first nucleotide of codon 434 causes an exchange of F for L. For the native sequence, the amino acids between 61 and 420 are omitted, while for ORF the amino acids between 53 and 412 are omitted.