Table 2: Assessed contribution of each virulence factor.

Virulence factor Initial attachment Bacterial aggregation Biofilm formation Biofilm degradation Immune modulation Contribution to E. faecalis IE*
Ace +++ - - - - +++
Asc10 + +++ ++ - ++ +++
Cell-wall glycolipids - - + - - ++
Ebp pili +++ - +++ - - +++
Eep ++ - - - - ++
EfbA ++ - + - - ++
GelE - - - +++ + ++
Gls24 - - - - - ++
Hemolysin - - - - - +
The virulence factors have been assigned a score of either +, ++, +++ or -.
- indicates that the reviewed data does not support involvement of the virulence factor.
+ indicates that the data suggests little involvement, ++ intermediate involvement and +++ high involvement.
* The relative contribution of each virulence factor to the disease as compared to other involved factors.