Table 6: Antifungal compounds indicated in the treatment of paracoccidioidomycosis.

Antifungal compounds Route of administration Daily doses Intervals among doses (hours) Adiministration
with food
Concentration in CSF (%)**
Amphotericin B deoxycollate IV increasing*
mdd = 50 mg
48 .. Mínima
Sulfadiazine PO 100 mg / kg
mdd = 4,0 g
[150mg / kg
ou 4g / m2]
6 indifferent 40 a 60
SMX-TMP IV, PO 2.400 mg / 480 mg
[8-10mg / kg TMP]
12 indifferent SMX=40
Ketoconazole PO 400 mg
[5-8mg / kg]
24 no
2 h before or 2 h after
< 10
Itraconazole PO 200 mg
[5mg / kg]
12 or 24 yes < 1
Fluconazole IV, PO 400 mg
[12mg / kg]
12 or 24 indifferent > 70
Voriconazole IV, PO 400 mg***
[8mg / kg]
12 no
2 h before or 2 h after
> 50

SMX-TMP – trimethoprin-sulfametoxazol combination TMP – trimetoprima IV- intravenous PO – per os mdd – maximum daily doses
*administration in alternate days; increasing doses from 5.0 mg up to 1.0 mg/kg every administration; maximum dosis of 50mg.
** Cerebrospinal fluid concentration: porcentage of the plasmatic level
*** 400 mg 12/12h only in the first day
[ ] – pediatric dosage