Table 1: Phenotypic characteristics of A. agilis.

Motility +
Citrate utilization +
Indole +
Methyl Red +
Voges Proskauer (VP) -
Starch hydrolysis +
Gelatin liquification +
Enzyme Production
Catalase +
Urease +
Cellulase +
Gowth at/ with
NaCl, 3%-12% +
Utilization of sugarGlucose, sucrose, fructose, arabinose, cellulose, CMC, mannitol +
Susceptible to
Kanamycin (30µg) -
Streptomycin (25µg) -
Resistance to
Ampicillin (30µg) +
Chloramphenicol (10 µg) +

TSI – Triple Sugar Iron test, Voges Proskauer- VP test