Table 3: Multiple logistic regression showing factors affecting CRP and WBC result, NICU, ATRH, May 2016 to April 2017.

Variable Positive CRP Leukocytosis
- OR 95%CI P value OR 95%CI P-value
Term 2.48 1.23-4.72 0.006* 1.52 0.991-3.35 0.298
Low first minute APGAR 1.02 0.67-1.71 0.111 1.84 0.97-3.19 0.021*
Low Fifth minute APGAR 2.16 1.17-4.00 0.014* 2.13 1.60-5.15 0.004*
Normal birth weight 2.08 1.01-4.35 0.048* 1.54 0.77-3.07 0.222
Prolonged labor 1.10 0.61-1.97 0.752 1.68 0.91-3.10 0.098
Maternal Chorioamnionitis 1.76 0.68-4.55 0.245 1.35 0.51-5.89 0.544
Meconium stained liquor 1.74 0.878-3.31 0.15 1.44 0.72-2.86 0.306
LONS Ф 1.45 0.86-2.43 0.169 1.54 0.76-2.63 0.172
Gram negative bacteria 1.70 0.63-4.59 0.17 4.80 1.45-15.87 0.01*

Ф LONS late onset neonatal sepsis, * p- value less than 0.05