Table 1: Comparison between Cd(II) maximum removals (10ppm) due to the biosorption or biotransformation using inactivated biomass and living cells of P. agglomerans incubated for 6h.

pH/Temperature Both Sorption and Metabolic Removal (%) Only Sorption
Removal (%)
Real Removal (%) Due to Bacterial Metabolism
25 °C 35 °C 25 °C 35 °C 25 °C 35 °C
pH 3.0 99.22 94.92 89.56 87.26 9.66 7.66
pH.5.0 95.17 94.55 86.57 78.85 8.60 15.70
pH 6.0 95.90 100.0 88.66 100.0 7.24 0