Table 2: Comparison between Cd(II) maximum removals (at 100 ppm), due to biosorption or biotransformation using inactivated biomass and living cells of P. agglomerans incubated for 24h.

Temperature Both Sorptive and Metabolic Removal (%) Only Sorptive
Removal (%)
Real Removal (%)
Due to Bacterial Metabolism
25 °C 35 °C 25 °C 35 °C 25 °C 35 °C
pH 3.0 42.44 43.15 36.46 38.47 5.98 4.68
pH.5.0 42.63 44.31 37.49 37.99 5.14 6.32
pH 6.0 43.66 44.78 37.05 37.25 6.61 7.35