Table 2: Factor associated with pulmonary tuberculosis among diabetic patient in Hawassa Adare Hospital, Southern Ethiopia, 2015 (n=207).

Variables TB status Odds ratio (95% CI) P-Value
Smear Positive Smear Negative Crude Adjusted
Duration with DM (In year)
<5 2 82 Ref. Ref.
6-10 3 67 1.836 (0.29, 11.31) 11.62 (0.89, 51.63) 0.061
>10 6 47 5.23 (1.02, 26.98) 7.03 (1.357, 73.6) 0.028
Body mass index (Kg/m2)
<18 3 14 6.75 (1.37, 33.29) 9.94 (1.51, 80.89) 0.024
18-24.5 4 56 2.25(0.54, 9.32) 7.09 (0.54, 53.16) 0.136
>24.5 4 126 Ref. Ref.
Alcohol consumption habit
Yes 8 23 10.58 (2.96, 41.05) 12.49 (3.28, 77.94) 0.002
No 3 173 Ref. Ref.
Smoking habit*
Yes 7 11 29.47(7.47, 115.91) 4.81 (0.29, 59.04)
No 4 185 Ref. Ref.
Type of treatment*
Pills 3 108 0.31 (0.079, 1.19) 0.29 (0.039, 2.23)
Insulin 8 88 Ref. Ref.
Contact history with TB
Yes 7 19 7.303 (3.37, 40.81) 5.35(1.1, 39.12) 0.04
No 4 177 Ref. Ref.
HIV status
Negative 7 190 0.055 (0.013, 0.241) 0.074 (0.001, 0.29) 0.006
Positive 4 6 Ref. Ref.

*=Not significant in backward stepwise logistic regression; Ref.: Reference