Table 2: Detection of Chlamydia from genital and extra genital sites of the female and male partners in clinical specimens obtained in 2012.

Clinical samples Identification of ะก. trachomatis by PCR
Female partner Male partner
AmpiSens- Eph AmpiSens- FL PCR-nvCT a) PCR-orf8 PCR-orf2 Genovarb) AmpiSens- Eph AmpiSens- FL PCR-nvCT a) PCR-orf8 PCR-orf2 Genovarb)
Conjunctiva - - + + - E - - + + - E
Oropharynx - - + + - E - - + - - E
Urethra & Cervix - - + - - E - - + + - E
Blood - - + - - E - - + - - E

a) Presence of 377 bp deletion in orf1 of the cryptic plasmid; b)C. trachomatis genovar was determined by sequencing of the VD2 region of the ompA gene.