Table 4: Enzymatic activity of the isolated bacteria from mangrove plants.

  Isolate code   Genus Identity Enzymatic indexes
Amylase Proteases Cellulases Chitinases Pectinases
GR8AMroot Bacillus 3.30 c 3.0 a 4.3 a 1.6 a -
GNS1XGroot Staphylococcus 3.30 c 3.00a 4.30a 1.6 a -
MA3XGleaf Streptomyces 4.23 d 2.86a 4.33 a 2.63bc 3.86c
Act 5AMleaf, MBGM4root, NS5root GMD1XGAMleaf, MRE5AMleaf Bacillus 3.60c 2.05a 2.52a 3.00c 4.62
MXG12root, GB11XGleaf, MR27RMleaf, MACT29Lumnroot, GR1XGAMroot, MG,N1N5AMRMSABGXGleaf, MGACT28BGRMroot, Bacillus 2.43b 1.08a 2.50a 1.325a 3.20c
SN7root Bacillus 1.80 a 2.00 b 2.50 bc 3.00c 4.20 d
MGA8XGleaf, GAM3root, MBG23root, MRM19L, MXG1leaf Myroides 2.22a 2.52b 2.40b 0.92 a -
MXGN9leaf Stenotrophomonas 3.30 c 3.00c 4.3d 1.60 a -
GBGN6leaf Staphylococcus 3.30 c 3.00c 4.3d 1.60 a -
MAM22Root Streptomyces 1.50 a 4.5d - 2.00 b 3.10c
MLR1leaf Lysinbacillus 2.50 b 3.30c 4.00d 1.30 a -
MXG2leaf Achromobacter - 2.00b 5.00e 1.30 a 3.60 c
GR3XGR2 Pseudomonas 2.50b 3.00 - - 4.20 d
GMN3AMBGleaf, MRE5AMleaf, MS9SA leaf, GR4XGroot Bacillus 4.22e 2.25bc 4.25d 1.25 a 4.25 d
MD12BGroot, MA4XGleaf Bacillus - - 4.5d 1.78a 3.35 d
MRM18leaf Pseudobactrum 3.30c 2.00 b 4.5.00d 2.00 b -
MA25RMroot, MGA8XGleaf, GD4SAleaf Streptomyces 4.80 d 2.42bc 4.75d 1.92 ab 3.17 c
MR27RMleaf Serratia 2.00 b 3.00 c 3.00c - 4.20 d
GSNSroot Bacillus 3.30 c 2.60 bc 2.00b - -
MAMSAM21leaf Alcaligens 3.30 c 3.00c - 3.00c -
MA4XGleaf2, MA7XGleaf, Klebsiella - 2.00 b 4.00d 1.32 a 2.70 a
Overall 2.71b 2.4 b 3.44c 1.49 a 2.37 b

The enzymatic index represents the mean halo diameter of degradation/ diameter of bacterial colony in cm of four replicate experiments. Mean values of enzymatic indices within the same column followed by the same letter don’t differ significantly among themselves (Turkey's b, p<0.05. Isolates grouped together based on morphology and biochemical tests. Key for identifying the codes: Site: G- Gazi bay and M-Mida creek Media: Act/Ac- M1 media, N- Nutrient agar mixed with NaCl, R-M1 media, A – Differential media, SN1- NASEA media, B-DNBA plus seawater and D- DNBA plus distilled water. Numeral; 1-27. Source plant; XG-Xylocarpus granatum, AM-Avicenia marina, SA- Sonneratia alba, BG- Bruguiera gymnorhiza, LR/ Lumn- Lumnitzera racemosa and RM-Rhizophora mucronata. Plant part; leaf and root.