Table 1: Biochemical properties of some clinically important mycobacteria.

Species Growth temp (°C) Growth rate Pigmentation Catalase (SQ*) Iron Uptake Growth on McConkey Tellurite Reduction Arylsulfatase Pyrazinamidase Urease Tween Hydrolysis Nitrate Reduction
2 weeks 3 days
M. fortuitum 22-40 R N 98 99 96 97 99 97 - 93 50 99
M. chelonae 22-35 R N -97 -98 96 85 98 96 - 99 93 -99
M. abscessus 22-40 R N -97 -98 96 85 98 96 - 99 -47 -99
M. ulcerans 25-33 S N 99 - - - - - - - - -
M. tuberculosis 33-39 S N (99) -99 - -99 -70 -93 -99 98 98 68 99
M. avium complex 22-45 S (99%) N -99 - -99 -70 -93 -99 99 99 99 99

* Semi Quantitative catalase
** Test reaction listed as ‘+’ or ‘-‘followed by the percentage strains reacting as indicated. If no percentage is given or space is blank, insufficient data were available or test was of no apparent value.