Table 2: Association between the results of PCR assays and blood culture regarding laboratory data and clinical criteria of the patients.

P-Value Blood Culture P-Value PCR Factor
Negative (Median Factors) Positive
(Median Factors)
(Median Factors)
(Median Factors)
0.015* 10.5 13.0 0.018* 10.3 12.8 WBC
0.001* 23.0 53.0 0.003* 35.6 55.7 ESR
0.002* 38.3 38.6 0.05* 38.4 38.9 Fever
0.009* 45.1 77.3 0.001*˂ 39.8 68.2 CRP

* P ≤ 0.05 is significant.