Table 4: Clinical signs and laboratory tests of sepsis in the studied groups.

ESBL producing E. coli Infected Group
ESBL Non-Producing E. coli Infected Group
P- Value Carbapenemase Producing E. coli Infected Group
Carbapenemase Non-Producing E. coli Infected Group
P*- Value
Fever 33(37.5) 21 12 0.204 12 21 0.616
Hypothermia 35(39.8) 19 16 0.810 10 25 0.314
Bradycardia 13(14.8) 8 5 0.840 3 10 0.314
Hypotension 34(38.6) 20 14 0.650 12 22 0.949
Oliguria 6(6.8) 3 3 0.833 1 5 0.132
Apnea 10(11.4) 4 6 0.590 4 6 0.763
Prolonged CRT 9(10.2) 2 7 0.083 2 7 0.317
Hyperglycemia 4(4.5) 3 1 0.238 2 2 0.540
Metabolic acidosis 15(17) 8 7 0.535 4 11 0.319
CRP 27(30.7) 12 15 0.563 9 18 0.548

CRT: Capillary Refill Time, ESBL: Extended Spectrum B-Lactamase, CRP: C-Reactive Protein
*Chi-Square test