Table 6: Association between the length of stay and mortality, appropriate use during initiation, appropriate use during continuation, the pattern of bacteria, and compatibility of continuation antibiotics.

Variable Length of Stay RR 95% CI P value
< 4 days 4 days
Yes 6 (15.8%) 32 (84.2%) 1.125 0.424-2.985 0.813
No 8 (14.0%) 49 (86.0%)
Appropriate use during initiation
Appropriate 12 (15.8%) 64 (84.2%) 1.500 0.366-6.144 0.563
Not Appropriate 2 (10.5%) 17 (89.5%)
Appropriate use during continuation
Appropriate 13 (19.4%) 54 (80.6%) 1.196 1.043-1.373 0.047
Not Appropriate 1 (3.6%) 27 (96.4%)
Pattern of bacteria
Positive gram 5 (15.2%) 28 (84.8%) 1.023 0.304-3.438 0.971
Negative gram 4 (14.8%) 23 (85.2%)
Compatibility of Continuation antibiotic
Compatibility 12 (20.3%) 47 (79.7%) 3.661 0.869-15.428 0.049
Not Compatibility 2 (5.6%) 34 (94.4%)