Table 1: Selected 16S rRNA amplicons/metagenome that were used in the present study for comparative taxonomic profiling and annotation.

S.NO MG-RAST ID Symbol/Code Microbiome Location References
     1. mgm4738027.3 TO Termite metagenome Sagar, (M.P) India Present Study
     2. mgm4711607.3 TA Termite gut microbiota Darwin, NT, Australia [47]
     3. mgm4711598.3 TFL Termite gut microbiota la Coubre, France [47]
     4. mgm4711587.3 TC Termite gut microbiota Soroa, Cuba [47]
     5. mgm4711601.3 TFA Termite gut microbiota Aledo l A, France [47]