Table 1: Seroconversion rate and mean titer level in sero-positive dogs of three districts of Kathmandu valley.

District No. of Samples Positive/ Négative Criteria Result Validation Titer Mean Standard
Deviation (SD)
Kathmandu 2/18 - Not Sero Converted 1.79 1.11 88.88%
- 16/18 + Sero Converted
Bhaktapur 2/16 - Not Sero Converted 1.72 1.02 87.50%
- 14/16 + Sero Converted
Lalitpur 6/16 - Not Sero Converted 1.55 1.45 62.50%
- 10/16 + Sero Converted
Total 50 40 - - - 80%