Table 1: Demographic and laboratory data of the studied blood donors.

Age 36.05±9.64
Albumin(g/dl) 4.27±.39
Total bilirubin (mg/dl) .71±.34
AST (IU/L) 28.20±12.44
ALT(IU/L) 31.84±13.27
Sex Male 138 69.0%
Female 62 31.0%
Residence Rural 100 50.0%
Urban 100 50.0%
Anti- HCVIgG Negative 176 88.0%
Positive 24 12.0%
HBs Ag Negative 196 98.0%
Positive 4 2.0%
Anti-HEV IgG Negative 150 75.0%
Positive 50 25.0%
Anti-HEV IgM Negative 190 95.0%
Positive 10 5.0%
HEV-RNA Negative 194 97.0%
Positive 6 3.0%

Data expressed as mean ± SD& as frequency