Table 4: Distribution of potential virulence genes, blaKPC and MBLs genes among 28 P. aeruginosa isolates.

Virulence Genes No. (%) Positive Virulence Genes
No. (%) MDR Isolates*
Elastase B (lasB) 28(100) 11(100)
Alginate (algD ) 28(100) 11(100)
Exotoxin A( toxA ) 23(82) 11(100)
Exoenyme S(exoS ) 7(25) 3(27)
Exoenyme U(exoU ) 20(72) 8(73)
PilB protein ( pil B ) 15(54) 5(45)
Pyoverdin 16(57) 5(45)
Pyocyanin 12(43) 6(55)
Beta-hemolysis 28(100) 11(100)
BlaKPC 16(57) 16(57)
MBLs (VIM-2 and IMP-15) Null Null

*No significant relationship was found between any virulence
gene and 11 MDR P. aeruginosa isolates