Table 2: Correlation between METAVIR fibrosis stages and non-invasive markers in training cohort.

Variables Pearson Correlation, r P value
Age 0.313 <0.001
ALT(U/L) 0.490 <0.001
AST(U/L) 0.640 <0.001
HBV DNA(IU/L) 0.066 0.115
Hb(g/dl) -0.242 <0.001
WBC(10^3/µl) -0.255 <0.001
PLT(10^3/µl) -0.448 <0.001
RDW (%) 0.282 <0.001
RBC(10^6/µl) -0.353 <0.001
FIB-4 0.764 <0.001
APRI 0.850 <0.001
AAR 0.397 <0.001
AARPRI 0.628 <0.001

FIB-4; Fibrosis-4, APRI; AST to Platelet ratio index, AAR; AST to ALT ratio, AARPRI; AAR to Platelet ratio, AST; Aspartate aminotransferase, ALT; Alanine aminotransferase. * denotes significance at p value <0.05.