Table 2: Deviations on susceptibility pattern of tested isolates per expected result (all the data were copied from WHO-Afro EQAS annual reports of 2008-2013).

Years of Participation No. of Antimic-robial Agents Tested No. of Antimicrobial Agents Tested Correctly Tested Incorrectly Standard
Error (SE)
95%CI Minor Deviations (S to I or I to R switch) in Number Major Deviations (S to R switch)
In number
Very Major deviations (R to S switch)
In number
Critical Deviations
(R to S /S to R switch)
(Major + Very major)
Total Deviations
2008 80 73 (91.7%) 7 (8.75%) 0.032 0.86-0.98 5 - 2 2 7 (8.75%)
2009 108 99 (91.6%) 9 (8.3%) 0.027 0.86-0.97 4 - 4 4 8 (7.4%)
2010 84 76 (90.4%) 8(9.52%) 0.032 0.84-0.97 1 - 7 7 8 (9.5%)
2011 -
2012 84 72 (85.7%) 12 (14.3%) 0.038 0.78-0.93 5 1 3 4 9 (10.7%)
2013 -
Total 356 320 (89.9%) 15 1 16 17 32 (8.9%)

N.B. S= sensitive, I = Intermediate, R= Resistant, T.N= Total Number, %= Percentage, CI=Confidence interval