Table 1. Growth and Production of DAPG by the Strain Pf-5.: DAPG production, generation time, optical density and protein content when the strain Pf-5 was grown in media with varying nitro-gen content. In treatment A only inorganic nitrogen was added (1= NO3- and NH4+, 2 = NO3- only and 3 = NH4+ only). In treatment B amino acids were added in a millimolar concentration range. In treatment C amino acids were added in a micromolar concentration range. The medium NBglu was included as a control

Medium DAPG* µg mL-1 Generation time (h) Optical density* * * * (620) nm Protein* * * * µg mL-1
NBglu 11.0±3.1 6.1 1.54±0.02a1 2926±223.8a
A1 ND* * 23.5 0.09±0.004b 73.9±25.5b
A2 ND 23.4 0.09±0.003b 73.9±13.4b
A3 ND 24.4 0.09±0.001b 66.9±23.7b
B1 BD* * * 5.2 1.03±0.052c 1421.1±125.4c
B2 BD 5.3 1.07±0.052c 1998.9±151.9c
B3 19.8±4.5 5.2 0.95±0.117c 1607.22±151.2d
C1 ND 25.3 0.09±0.01b 66.8±14.2b
C2 ND 42.1 0.09±0.007b 55.0±14.1b
C3 ND 25.4 0.11±0.004b 74.2±2.2b

* after 24 hours of growth* * ND not detected* * * BD below detection limit* * * * after 72 hours of growth1 Figures within columns followed by different letters are significantly different (P<0.05).