Table 3: Clinical and Microbiological Data on 18 Patients from whom Actinomyces species were Isolated

Species/ no. of Isolates Age Land Sex Isolated from Underlying Illness Major Clinical Manifestations Coisolates Treatment Outcome
A. odontolyticus/ 1 56 F blood cirrhosis bloody vomiting and diarrhoea -a antibiotics (m, mt) death from other causes
A. turicensis/ 4 24 F pus (nates) -a soft tissue abscess on nates - surgery recovery
56 M tissue (necrotic) extraction of infected tooth fasciitis of face and neck H. parainfluenzae, NHS, CNS, Prevotella spp. surgery, 17 and later 15 days of antibiotics (p/cu + mt, d) recovery
63 F pus (bladder) chronic dialysis cystitis B. fragilis, CNS rinsing of the bladder, 25 days of antibiotics (d, ci + mt) recovery
46 F pus (rectum) - rectum abscess - drainage, 6 weeks of antibiotics (p, g, mt, followed by p alone) recovery
A. neuii/ 2 91 M blood chronic nephropathy cystitis - 9 days of antibiotics (cu, mc) recovery
67 M blood surgery of ureter-stenosis perirenal abscess CNS, coryneforms drainage, min. 37 days of antibiotics (a, followed by p + ci) recovery
A. meyeri/ 4 34 M pus (cheek) extraction of infected tooth soft tissue abscess on cheek - surgery and antibiotics (d) *does not show for check-up
33 M root of a tooth - periodontal infection throat-flora dental treatment and antibiotics (p) recovery
36 M pus (pleura) cerebral palsy, epilepsy empyema following episode of pneumonia microscopy also showed Gram-pos. cocci in chains drainage, decorticatio, 2-3 weeks of antibiotics (cu, mt) *does not show for check-up
66 M pus (abdomen) long episode of intermittent diarrhoea periappendical abscess E. coli drainage (twice) recovery
A. israelii/ 2 38 M spinal fluid alcoholism meningitis - antibiotics (initially high doses of p, a, ct) neurologic sequelae
35 F pus (abdomen) - periappendical abscess - surgery, 4 days of antibiotics (cu, mt) recovery
A. radingae/ 2 52 M pus (scrotum) - soft tissue abscess of scrotum anaerobic Gram-pos. cocci and Gram-neg. rods surgery, a prior to hospitalization recovery
74 F pus (back) - soft tissue abscess on the back - surgery recovery
A. viscosus/ 1 87 F blood COLD, Mb. cordis source unknown - 9 days of antibiotics (cu, p, mc) recovery
A. naeslundii/ 1 52 F swab (cornea) treated thyroid disease keratitis followed injury of the cornea Lactobacillus sp. found in other samples topical antibiotics reduced vision
A. gerencseriae/ 1 66 M swab (oral cavity) - periodontal infection - surgery, 4 weeks of antibiotics (p) recovery

F, female, M, male,
a -, none,
* , assumed recovery
H., Hæmophilus, B., Bacteroides, NHS, non-hemolytic streptococci, CNS, coagulase-negative staphylococci, pos., positive, neg., negative a, ampicillin/amoxicillin, ci, ciprofloxacin, ct, ceftriaxone, cu, cefuroxime, d, dicloxacillin, g, gentamicin, m, meropenem, mc, mecillinam, mt, metronidazole, p, penicillin.