Table 2: Highest Extra-Cellular Concentrations of HSLs and Quinolones in P. aeruginosa PAO1 Culture Supernatants

Medium 3OC12-HSL (nM) C4-HSL (nM) HHQ (nM) PQS (nM)
PPGAS 160 ± 10 2140 ± 230 893± 92 2054± 176
PPGAS/NaCl* 50 ± 4 410 ± 50 1525± 19 832± 67
PPGAS/NaCl/GB 190 ± 12 860 ± 95 1002± 95 2162± 210

* 0.5 M NaCl was included in the PPGAS medium prior to bacterial inoculation.
0.5 M NaCl and 1 mM GB were included in the medium.
The values are averages of at least two experiments and the standard deviations are given.