Table 1.: Influx and Efflux of Cd in the Three Yeast Transformants

Strain Cd Content at 0 h (ng/10D600) Cd Content at 3 h (ng/10D600)a Cd Content at 6h (ng/10D600)b Relative Cd Content (a-b)/a (%)c
pYES2 TF 1.7±1.0 94.7±11.2 42.1±6.5 55.5
bxa1 TF 0.6±0.1 77.3±5.4 64.6±9.5 16.4
Δ35bxa1 TF 0.7±0.1 97.1±17.8 46.9±5.2 51.7

Cd content were measured from three independent experiments and shown as the mean ±SE.
a Cd content after 10 􀀁M Cd treatment for 3 h as a uptake period.
b Cd content after non Cd treatment for 3 h as a release period.
c Relative Cd content (%) was calculated from the formula shown above.