Fig. (5) Expression of the λclpQ+::lacZ (op or pr fusion) and the λclpQm1::lacZ (op or pr fusion) in the wild-type or the rpoH mutant at 30 ° C or 42 ° C. (A) The βGal activities of HY20001 (clpQ+::lacZ+, op), HY20006 (rpoH, clpQ+::lacZ+, op), HY20020 (clpQm1::lacZ+, op), and HY20021 (rpoH, clpQm1::lacZ+, op) are as indicated. (B) In contrast, the βGal activities of HY20002 (clpQ+::’lacZ, pr), HY20017 (rpoH, clpQ+::’lacZ, pr), HY20022 (clpQm1::’lacZ, pr) and HY20023 (rpoH, clpQm1::’lacZ, pr) are also listed.