Table 4.: Statistical analyses of collected data using Pearson chi-square (χ2) test and Student’s t distribution test.

Virus Tested Sensitivity to Inhibitors1 Comparison Groups Number of Reassortants/Total Pearson c2 Criterion p Value
Efficiency of NA Inheritance by Reassortant Viruses
All A viruses Resistant WT-NA 220/268 80.74 p < 0.0001
Sensitive 67/167
Resistant MDV-NA 48/268
Sensitive 100/167
All B viruses Resistant WT-NA 77/88 143.90 p < 0.0001
Sensitive 63/326
Resistant MDV-NA 11/88
Sensitive 263/326
All A and B viruses Resistant WT-NA 297/356 269.21 p < 0.0001
Sensitive 130/493
Resistant MDV-NA 59/356
Sensitive 363/493
Efficiency of Reassorting Into Vaccine-appropriate (6:2 and 5:3) Genomic Compositions
All A viruses Resistant Vaccine genomic composition 145/268 57.86 p < 0.0001
Sensitive 29/167
Resistant Other combinations 123/268
Sensitive 138/167
All B viruses Resistant Vaccine genomic composition 51/88 119.57 p < 0.0001
Sensitive 24/326
Resistant Other combinations 37/88
Sensitive 302/326
All A and B viruses Resistant Vaccine genomic composition 196/356 195.78 p < 0.0001
Sensitive 53/493
Resistant Other combinations 160/356
Sensitive 440/493