Comparison Groups t Distribution p Value
Significance of Decreased Inhibitor Sensitivity in Reassortant Viruses (HAI titer)
WT viruses possessing inhibitor-resistant HA2 and inhibitor-resistant NA2
(HAI4 < 10)
6:2 WT/MDV reassortants possessing inhibitor-resistant HA2 and inhibitor-resistant NA2 (HAI < 10) 0 p > 0.99
WT viruses possessing inhibitor-sensitive HA3 and inhibitor- sensitive”NA3
(HAI = 2560-10240)
6:2 WT/MDV reassortants possessing inhibitor-sensitive HA3 and inhibitor-sensitive NA3 (HAI = 2560-10240) 0 p > 0.99
7:1 reassortants possessing inhibitor-sensitive HA3 and inhibitor-resistant NA2
(HAI = 80-320)
11.09 p < 0.00001

1Sensitivity to non-specific, heat-stable inhibitors in guinea pig serum.2Gene derived from a virus resistant to non-specific, heat-stable inhibitors in guinea pig serum.3Gene derived from a virus sensitive to non-specific, heat-stable inhibitors in guinea pig serum.4HAI: hemagglutination inhibition.