Table 1: Genetic resistance targets selected for the MT PCR and the corresponding genotypes detected.

Position Number Phenotypic Mechanism Detected Abbreviated Molecular Target Genes Genotypes Detected
1 ESBL pan-TEM blaTEM types (1, 104-106, 71, 76-84, 138, 143, 150, 155).
2 ESBL pan-SHV blaSHV types (1, 2, 11, 25, 26, 38, 56)
3 ESBL CTX-M group 1 blaCTX-M-1 (1, 3, 15, 28, 29, 32, 36, 58, 79, and 103)
4 ESBL CTX-M group 9 blaCTX-M-9 (9, 13, 14, 24, 27, and 38) 
5 AmpC DHA-1 blaDHA beta lactamases from a range of enterobacteriaciae species
6 AmpC pan-CMY blaCMY (1, 10, 11, 8b, 19)
7 Carbapenemase pan-VIM blaVIM (1,2, and 3)
8 Carbapenemase pan-IMP blaIMP (1, 4, 5, 6, 10)
9 Carbapenemase OXA-23 blaOXA-23
10 Carbapenemase KPC blaKPC (1, 2, 3) from Klebsiella and other bacterial species including Pseudomonas and E. coli.
11 Carbapenemase NDM blaNDM (1,2,3)
12 Nil Artificial sequence for assay control Spike