Table 1: Distribution of bacterial species and bacterial counts in urine cultures in relation to bladder incubation time in women with symptoms suggestive of lower UTI.

Urine culture and bacterial species BCa Bladder incubation time
≤ 3h ≥ 4h Total
n n n %
E.coli٭٭٭  103  27  10  37  6
 104  55  12  67  10
≥105 202 361  563  84
Total 284 383  667  62
Other G-negc sppb  104  2  0  2  4
≥105  12  42  54  96
Total  14  42  56  5
S. saprophyticus  104  3  5  8  12
≥105  31  30  61  88
Total  34  35  69  6
Other G-posd sppb  104  5  3  8  23
≥105  14  13  27  77
Total  19  16  35  3
Negative culturee  0e 117f 126g  243  23
All cultures٭٭٭  0e 117 126  243  23
 103  27  10  37  3
 104  65  20  85  8
≥105 259 446  705  66
Total n 468 602 1070
%  44  56  100 100

aBacterial counts in colony forming units/mL; b Species; c Other Gram-negative spp: 28 Klebsiella spp, 12 Citrobacter, 12 Enterobacter, 6 Proteus spp, 2 Pseudomonas spp; d Other Gram-positive spp: 21 Enterococcus spp, 7 S. auerus, 5 Coagulase-negative staphylococci other than S.saprophyticus, 5 Group B streptococci; e Negative culture, see Methods; f 25% of all negative cultures; g 21% of all negative cultures; ٭٭٭p<0.001: Statistical differences in bacterial counts between bladder incubation time ≤ 3h vs. ≥ 4h.