Table 2: Outcomes of nitrite test, urine sediment and urine culture in relation to bladder incubation time in women with symptoms suggestive of lower UTI (n).

BITa Nitrite testb Urine sedimentc Urine cultured
Negative Positive Total
≤ 3h Negativee Negative  55  38  93
Positive  59 207 266
Positive Negative  2  5  7
Positive  1 101 102
All 117 351 468
≥ 4h Negativef Negative  52  25  77
Positive  66 136 202
Positive Negative  2  15  17
Positive  6 300 306
All 126 476 602
Total Negativeg Negative 107  63 170
Positive 125 343 468
Positive Negative  4  20  24
Positive  7 401  408
All 243 827 1070

a BIT, bladder incubation time (h); b Positive Nitrite test, see Methods; c Positive Urine sediment, see Methods; d Positive Urine culture, see Methods; e 77% of all patients at BIT ≤ 3h; f 46% of all patients at BIT ≥ 4h; g 60% of all patients overall irrespective of BIT.