Table 1: Elemental composition (weighted by fraction) and density for the breast tissues, conventional substitute materials (paraffin) and 3D printing materials (thermoplastic filaments and photopolymer resins).

Tissue/Material Composition Density (g/cm3)
Adiposea H(0.112)C(0.619)N(0.017) O(0.251) P(0.001) 0.93
Glanda H(0.102)C(0.184)N(0.032)O(0.677)P(0.005) 1.04
Paraffin Wax H(0.149)C(0.851) 0.93
ABSb H(0.078)C(0.862)N(0.059)O(0.001) 1.019
Hybridb - 1.227
Nylonb H(0.097)C(0.656)N(0.114)O(0.133) 1.111
PET-Gb H(0.052)C(0.685)N(0.012)O(0.251) 1.236
PLAb H(0.058)C(0.541)N(0.018)O(0.383) 1.250
Clearb H(0.085)C(0.648)N(0.059)O(0.208) 1.180
Flexb H(0.087)C(0.639)N(0.044)O(0.230) 1.137
Toughb - 1.181

aData from Hammerstein et al. (1979).
bData from Ivanov et al. (2018).