Table 1: Examples of diagnostic certainty phrase usage in the Impression section of the radiology report.

Diagnostic Certainty Phrase Examples
Likely New mild compression of superior endplates of T12 and L3 likely degenerative
Probably Two tiny cystic lesions in segment 6 are probably benign
Suspicious of PI-RADS* 4 lesion within the left mid gland posterior lateral peripheral zone, with contour suspicious of left extracapsular extension
Diagnostic of Multiple hepatic masses measuring up to 2.5 cm most with signal characteristics diagnostic of hemangiomas
Unlikely Increase in the size of a sclerotic lesion in L1. In the absence of the known malignancy this is unlikely to be metastasis
Most likely Bilateral hypodense renal lesions, most likely cysts

*PI-RADS: Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System