Table 1: Adrenaline Doses and Participants Separated into Young and Older and Young Male, Young Female and Older Male and Female, Respectively

Study 1: Adrenaline Doses and Populations

Adrenaline Dose (ng/kg/min) Number of Participants

Young (Y)

Baseline 14
20 14
40 14
80 14
120 13
160 13

Older (O)

Baseline 18
20 18
40 18
80 18
120 16
160 10

Young Male (YM)

Baseline 8
40 8
Max (150) 8

Young Female (YF)

Baseline 6
40 6
Max (160) 6

Older Male (OM)

Baseline 6
40 6
Max (133) 6

Older Female (OF)

Baseline 12
40 12
Max (140) 12