Table 1: Data progress of post-haemorrhagic stroke and post-treatment patients.

No. Gender (M/F) Age
(years old)
Location of Haemorrhage Baseline 24 Weeks After Stroke 48-Weeks Evaluation Improvement
1. F 45 Left Basal Ganglia 8 8 6 • Severe aphasia → Mild-to-moderate aphasia
• Severe dysarthria → Mild-to-moderate dysarthria
2. M 63 Right Parietal 2 2 2 -
3. M 50 Left Basal Ganglia 5 5 5 -
4. M 61 Left Basal Ganglia 4 4 3 LOC Questions; Answer one question correctly → Answer both question correctly
5. M 56 Left Frontoparietal FP 23 22 19 • Left & Right Arm, some effort against gravity → Drift
• Left & Right Leg, some effort against gravity → Drift
6. M 52 Right Basal Ganglia 17 17 15 • Level of consciousness; not alert level 2 → Level of consciousness, not alert level 1
• LOC Commands; Performs neither task correctly → Performs one task correctly
7. F 59 Right Parieto-occipital 5 5 5 -
8. M 48 Left Basal Ganglia 5 5 4 Limb Ataxia; present in one limb → absent