Table 1: Overview of previous studies on neuroticism and related dimensions (such as harm avoidance) and MAOA gene in different populations *.

Study-Year Sample Sample Size Analysis Main Finding
Eley-2003 Germans 119 Peer-report version of the NEO-FFI Males with long alleles had higher scores for neuroticism
PMID: 12815746 - - - -
Yu-2005 Han Chinese 370 Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire Individuals with 4 allele had higher scores of harm avoidance
PMID: 16110245 - - - -
Tochigi-2006 Japanese 256 NEO Personality Inventory-Revised Scores for neuroticism was higher in persons with the long allele- not statistically significant
PMID: 16360899 - - - -
Pełka-Wysiecka-2012 Polish 406 NEO Five-Factor Inventory No association; scores not shown
PMID: 22542868 - - - -
Xu-2017 British 2340 Maudsley Personality Inventory No association with harm avoidance
PMID: 29075213 - - - -

* These studies were identified through a systematic review, which was carried out in PubMed.