Table 3: Analysis of the main components.

Matrix of rotatedcomponents Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3
- Value recognition Work Contest Workspaces
Toolsprovided -0,607 -0,105 0,072
Professionalexpectations 0,519 0,27 0,012
Improved work situation -0,775 -0,055 -0,049
worsened work situation 0,75 0,09 -0,097
conflict workload
support from managers
0,251 0,347 -0,198
Judicialsystemnotfunctioning 0,245 0,422 0,084
support from managers -0,444 0,005 0,166
Enoughspace -0,026 -0,131 0,773
Lightingspaces -0,157 0,045 0,71
lack of storagespace 0,022 0,554 0,038
Power and data network cables hinder desks 0,074 0,458 -0,071
Dust 0,112 0,636 0,104
Print and toner 0,061 0,531 -0,257
Conflictresourcesshortages -0,003 0,678 -0,077
KMO and Bartlett Test - - -
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin's measure of the adequacy of sampling .751 - -
P < .01 - -