Table 1: Neuroimaging results for patients.

Patient Number Brain MRI Results
1st Left temporal lobe FCD
2nd Left frontal ganglioma
3rd Bilateral encephalomalacia and gliosis
4th Bilateral frontal encephalomalacia.
5th Left occipital FCD
6th Left frontoparietal encephalomalacia and gliosis
7th Right orbito-frontal FCD
8th Multifocal bilateral cerebral encephalomalacia
9th Left MTS
10th Right MTS
11th Left temporal FCD
12th Subependymal cortical heterotropia
13th Bilateral encephalomalacia and gliosis
14th Right MTS
15th Bilateral hemisphere encephalomalacia and gliosis
16th TS: cortical tubers + subependymal nodular lesions
17th Subependymal nodular gray matter heterotopia
18th Bilateral frontal encephalomalacia and gliosis
19th Left occipital vascular insult
20th Bilateral encephalomalacia and gliosis
21th Left hemisphere encephalomalacia.
22th Left temporal FCD
23th Bilateral MTS
24th Right MTS
25th Right temporoparietal encephalomalacia and gliosis