Table 3: Clinical Studies of Heart Rate Related ANS Dysfunction in Stroke Patients

Author Data Sample Set Results
Barron et al., 1994 [53] 40 stroke patients 4-11 days after event vs. 40 matched controls, power spectrum analysis of HRV, all pts. in sinus rhythm. Cardiac parasympathetic innervations reduced after stroke; more pronounced after right sided infarct.
Naver et al. 1996 [54] 23 stroke / 11 TIA patients vs. 21 matched controls, no medication except aspirin, follow up 8-48 days (stroke) up to 2 years (TIA), respiratory HRV, orthostatic test, isometric handgrip. Right sided stroke associated with reduced respiratory HRV, peripheral reflexes equal between right an left lesions.
Korpelainen et al. 1997 [61] 32 stroke patients vs. 32 matched controls; 24h Holter, time and frequency domain acute and after 6 months. LF/HF ratio unchanged during night-time in stroke patients reversible abolition of circadian HRV rhythm, loss of relative vagal nocturnal dominance.
Giubilei et al., 1998 [62] 10 patients with MCA infarct vs. controls, 1 day after stroke, power spectrum analysis of HRV during sleep. Sympathetic/parasympathetic balance (VLF+HF/HF), higher in patients. Sympathetic predominance during sleep.
Korpelainen et al., 1999 [60] 46 stroke patients (early: 1-7days poststroke; follow up at 6 month) vs. 30 controls. 24h Holter. Abnormal HRV measures involved in cardiac complications. SDNN, VLF, LF impaired in acute and late state post stroke.
Tokgözoglu et al., 1999 [58] 62 stroke patients vs. 62 matched controls. 72h ECG recording post stroke. Power spectrum analysis. Decreased LF, HF, SDNN. Decreased sympathetic and parasympathetic parameters, most pronounced in right insular cortex infarcts.
Colivicchi et al., 2004 [55] 103 stroke patients, 24h Holter, time and frequency domain HRV. Lower SDNN, rMSSD; higher LF/HF ratio in right insular infarct patients in association with more frequent and complex arrhythmias.
Mäkikallio et al., 2004 [63] 84 stroke patients, 24h Holter, follow up 7 years, power-law slope beta (beta<-1.5). Conventional HRV measures without prognostic power, but abnormal long-term HR dynamics predict poststroke mortality.
Meyer et al., 2004 [64] 29 stroke patients within 24h after event, HR and BP. Pathological sympathetic activation more pronounced after right sided stroke.
Colivicchi et al., 2005 [57] 208 stroke patients, 24h Holter, 12 month follow up. Decreased SDNN, right insular infarct and non sustained ventricular tachycardia associated with higher risk of early mortality.
McLaren et al., 2005 [56] Cross sectional case-control study in 76 stroke patients (9 months poststroke) vs. 70 matched controls; long term effects; power spectrum analysis, baro reflex sensitivity, cardiovascular reflex autonomic test. Impaired autonomic function may increase mortality in older stroke survivors.
Bassi et al., 2007 [65] 85 stroke patients, 24 h Holter, time domain measure. Lower SDNN associated with unfavourable outcome after rehabilitation.
Dütsch et al., 2007 [66] 28 stroke patients vs. 21 matched controls, RR intervals, BP means oscillations. Post stroke parasympathetic cardiac deficit and increased sympathetic cardiovascular modulation. LF/HF ratio of RR intervals elevated in right hemispheric vs. left sided stroke.
Rufa et al., 2007 [67] 23 CADASIL patients vs. 22 controls, frequency domain measures of HRV, QTc Interval. LF/HF ratio higher in CADASIL patients. No correlation with MRI lesion volume.