Table 2: Factors Contributing to DVT/PE in the aggregated group of all patients. For the two level factors, the value in the second and third columns is the fraction of patients without and with DVT/PE who had that factor. NS indicates a p value of >0.1 in all statistical tests used. For the 2x2 tables the first p value is from the χ2 statistic and the second is from the 2-way Fisher’s Exact Test. For the other data the first p value is that for the t-test and the second for the Mann-Whitney U test (two-tailed).

Factor No DVT DVT Statistic p* Relative Risk for DVT/PE 95% Confidence Interval
Length of Stay (days) 8.6 (14) 22.8 (20) t(2434)=-5.2 p<.0001 (<0.001)    
Age (years) 71.3 (16) 70.7 (18) t(2500)=0.21 NS    
Race -- -- χ2=1.7 df=6 NS    
Gender 56% female 52% female χ2=0.25 NS 1.08 female 0.78-1.5 female
Height (inches) 65.9 (6.2) 66.6 (3) t(2460)=-0.64 NS    
Weight (pounds) 167 (45) 182 (66) t(2471)=-1.85 p=0.06 (0.5)    
BMI 27 (6) 28 (9) t(2456)=-0.14 NS    
Afib/Flutter 0.18 0.21 χ2=0.28 NS 1.25 0.54-2.9
Heart Failure  0.06 0.15 χ2=4.22 p=0.04 (0.06) 2.65 1.01-7.0
Prior TIA 0.13 0.1 χ2=0.45 NS 2.2 0.2-2.2
CAD/MI 0.23 0.24 χ2=0.01 NS 1.05 0.47-2.7
Diabetes 0.25 0.24 χ2=0.02 NS 0.95 0.43-2.1
Hypertension 0.69 0.73 χ2=0.19 NS 1.2 0.55-2.6
Peripheral Vascular Disease 0.02 0.0 χ2=0.70 NS 0.987 0.98-0.991
Smoking 0.09 0.06 χ2=0.37 NS 0.64 0.15-2.7
Carotid Stenosis 0.02 0.00 χ2=0.75 NS 0.987 0.98-0.991
Prior CVA 0.15 0.21 χ2=1.6 NS 1.7 0.7-4.0
Prosthetic Heart Valve 0.025 0.03 χ2=0.04 NS 1.2 0.16-9.0
Initial NIHSS 5.8 (6.5) 11.4 (6) t(1145)=-2.84 p=0.0046 (0.002)    
Discharge NIHSS 2.8 (5) 9.8 (9.8) t(853)=-2.8 p=0.005 (0.07)    
Weakness 0.42 0.27 χ2=3.01 p=0.08 (0.11) 0.5 0.2-1.1
Altered LOC 0.14 0.30 χ2=7.13 p=0.0076 (0.02) 2.7 1.3-5.7
Aphasia 0.27 0.24 χ2=0.12 NS 0.87 1.9
Ambulatory by Day 2 0.254 0.1 χ2=4.6 p=0.03 (0.04) 0.29 0.09-0.96
Heparin or LMWH 0.44 0.36 χ2=0.74 NS 0.73 0.36-1.5
Serial Compression Devices 0.37 0.33 χ2=0.65 NS 0.73 0.34-1.6
Warfarin 0.026 0.03 χ2=0.02 NS 1.2 0.16-8.6
Hyperlipidemia 0.33 0.36 χ2=0.2 NS 1.18 0.52-2.4