Fig. (3) Operational synchrony among neuronal assemblies (indexed by EEG segments synchronization) as a function of clinical outcome 6 years post-injury: Linear regression analysis. Data are averaged across all pairs of EEG channels and all 1-minute EEGs within each state. The Y-axis presents values of either number (%) or strength of functional connections. Lines in the graphs represent the linear regression equation and R2. Abbreviations: Alpha: EEG rhythm 7-13 Hz; Beta-1: EEG rhythm 15-25 Hz; Beta-2: EEG rhythm 25-30 Hz. EEG: electroencephalogram; VS-Pers: patient continues to be in persistent vegetative state 6 years post-injury; VS-MCS: patient continues to be in minimally conscious state 6 years post-injury; VS-E-MCS: patient emerges from minimally conscious state 6 years post-injury.