Table 1: Neuronal Activation when Comparing the Control and Alcohol Group at BAC of 0.08%

The 3-back task; group differences
Remaining Neuronal Activation in the Control Group
Statistical Values Coordinates Anatomical Location
Cluster Size t- value p- value x y z Hemisphere Structure Brodmann Area
99 5.21 0.001 0 28 32 Left dACC 32
3.66 0.001 9 20 40 Right dACC 32
22 5.06 0.001 -18 -36 35 Left MCC 31
20 4.44 0.001 6 -53 -10 Right Cerebellum
Remaining Neuronal Activation in the Alcohol Group
No significant activation
The 2-back task; group differences
Remaining Neuronal Activation in the Control Group
No significant activation
Remaining Neuronal Activation in the Alcohol Group
Statistical Values Coordinates Anatomical Location
Cluster Size t- value p- value x y z Hemisphere Structure Brodmann Area
13 4.53 0.001 45 -82 2 Right MOG 19
3.82 0.001 42 -84 10 Right MOG 19
12 3.87 0.001 12 -95 16 Right MOG 18
15 3.76 0.001 -3 -95 24 Left Cuneus 19
The 1-back task; group differences
Remaining Neuronal Activation in the Control Group
No significant activation
Remaining Neuronal Activation in the Alcohol Group
No significant activation

dACC = dorsal anterior cingulate cortex; MCC = midcingulate cortex; MOG = middle occipital gyrus.