Fig. (1) Examples of high-resolution single-shot EPI acquired at 7T over the entire brain with different isotropic resolutions. 2.0 mm:
matrix: 96 x 96, 50 slices, TR = 2 s, R=2, readout time: 20 msec. 1.5 mm: matrix: 128 x 128, 60 slices, TR = 3 sec, R = 3, readout time: 21
msec. 1.0 mm: matrix: 192 x 192, 100 slices, TR = 3-4 sec, R=4, readout time: 28 msec. 0.75 mm: matrix: 256 x 256, 128 slices, TR = 4- 5 sec, R=4, readout time: 48 msec.