Table 1: Mean Values of T1, T2, MD and FA in the Contralateral Cortex of the Sham (n=3) and Ischemic (n=10) Mice (Measured between Days 7 and 14 as Shown in Fig. (1)) and in the Cortex (same Hemisphere) of Naive (n=5) mice. The One Way Anova Analysis between Naive Values and Respectively Sham and Ischemic Ones Showed no Statistical Difference (DFr; F; p).


MRI Parameters
Naive Sham Ischemic
T1 s 2.00±0.10 1.98±0.12(12; 0.398; 0.540) 1.89±0.16(33; 0.019: 0.828)
T2 ms 42.0±2.0 41.5±2.7(12; 1.16; 0.303) 41.8±2.8(33; 0.033; 0.857)
MD 10-5mm2.s-1 59.0±6.0 60.5±6.8(12; 0.222; 0.646) 58.9±9.6(33; 0.017; 0.963)
FA 0.183±0.06 0.188±0.09(12; 0.176; 0.682) 0.181±0.09(33; 0.463; 0.503)