Table 2: Percent correct for knowledge of BPDs survey of APRNs per question (N = 89).

% Correct f
n =
Q1: BPD I has more severe mania (true). 42.7 38 0
Q2: BPD II has more depression than BP1 (true). 36.0 32 0
Q3: Higher Risk of Suicide in BPD II than BPD I (true). 38.2 34 1
Q4: BPD II often misdiagnosed as depression (true). 76.4 68 0
Q5: The MDQ is a screening tool for bipolar disorder (true). 73.0 65 1
Q6: BPD I includes psychosis, homicidal or suicidal ideations (true). 52.8 47 1
Q7: Mania is a state of being excessively happy (false). 60.7 54 0
Q8: Bipolar symptoms are often missed in primary care (true) 95.5 85 0
Q9: BPD II often requires hospitalization for severe mania (false). 43.8 39 0
Q10: BPDs can be cured with medication and treatment (false). 76.4 68 0
Q11: Individuals with BPD often wait 10 years or longer for a correct diagnosis (true). 93.3 83 0
Q12: One of the benefits of screening for BPDs is decreasing the risk of suicide (true). 87.6 78 0