Table 4: Themes of facilitators and barriers for screening and treatment.

Facilitators Barriers
Screening Treatment Screening Treatment
  1. Availability of screening tool
  2. Therapeutic relationships with patients
  3. Knowing the symptoms of BPD and when to screen
  4. Accessible psychiatric referral systems in place
  5. Accessible psychiatric referral systems in place
  1. Integrated mental health or referral systems in place
  2. APRN knowledge & education of BPDs
  3. APRN comfort treating BPDs
  4. Patients having insurance or funding to obtain treatment
  1. APRN forgetting or not sure when to screen
  2. Patient reluctance to complain of symptoms (fear of stigma)
  3. Shortage of time in a typical visit and shortage of primary care providers
  1. Patients have no insurance
  2. APRN lack of knowledge or need for education
  3. (Patient) side effects of treatment
  4. Patient lack of insight regarding mental illness
  5. Long wait for treatment
  6. Misdiagnosis of BPD as depression