Table 1: Summary of categories used for classifying e-forms aspects.

1. Item definition
      Strategies to develop questionnaire’s items
2. Sample selection
      Type of sample selection, strategies and risk of bias
3. Training
      How to teach the patient the use of the system
4. Testing and pretesting
      How to perform tests and pretest to verify the quality, the reliability and the validity of the questionnaire
5. Reliability test
      How to test questionnaire’s reliability
6. Validity test
      How to test questionnaire’s validity
1. Profile the target audience
      Set the survey topic to the target audience
2. Quality of data
      Strategies to collect data and implement the response rate
3. Welcome page
      How to develop the welcome page and what information include in it
4. Open/closed questions
      When to choose open/closed questions and how to construct them
5. Rank order questions
      When and how to use rank order questions
6. Categorical or nominal questions
      When and how to use categorical or nominal questions
7. Magnitude estimate questions
      When and how to use magnitude estimate questions
8. Ordinal questions
      When and how to use ordinal questions
9. Likert scale questions
      When and how to use Likert scale questions
10. Indeterminate and other options
      When and how to use “indeterminate” and “other” response options
11. Open/closed response
      How to use open/ closed response
1. Questionnaire length
      Indications for questionnaire’s length
2. Questionnaire structure and questions’ order
      Indications for how to structure the initial question, and how to order the different type of questions
3. Layout
      General indications for how to organize the visual presentation of the questionnaire
4. Scrolling
      Indications for how to use and when use the scroll function
5. Font size and style
      How to choose the type and the size of the font
6. Color
      How to use colors in questionnaire’s layout
7. Questions’ graphic
      Indications for the visual appearance of questions
8. Answers’ graphic
      Indications for visual appearance of responses
9. Symbols and imagines
      Indications for how to include graphical language in the electronic questionnaire
10. Tables and frame
      Indications for how to use tables and frame
11. Visual analogue scale
      Indications for how to design a visual analogue scale
12. Matrix questions
      Indications for how to use matrix questions
13. Drop down boxes
      Indications for how to use and design drop down boxes
14. Radio buttons
      Indications for how to use and design radio buttons
15. Check button
      General indications for how to design check buttons
1. Questionnaire distribution and login procedures
      Indications for how to inform the users about the questionnaire, and
2. Cover letter
      How to design the cover letter and which information include in it
3. Thank you page and user’s feedback
      How to conclude a questionnaire, thanking the users and giving them the possibility to send a feedback
4. Confirmation message
      How to include confirmation message, in order to give a feedback to user’s actions
5. Timeout
      Indications to the use of timeout
6. Progress indicators
      Indications for the use of progress indicators and other flow indicators to facilitate the questionnaire’s compilation
7. One page design and multiple page design
      Pro and cons of the chosen design
8. Phraseology
      Indications on grammar and content in the formulation of questions
9. Language and wording
      Indications for language and how to speak gentle to the users, encouraging them to complete the questionnaire
10. Multiple choice
      Indications for how to use and design multiple choice answers
11. Skip/filter question
      Indications for how to use and how to design filter questions, in order to facilitate questionnaire flow
12. Invitation and reminders
      Indications for the use of reminders and invitations to encourage the users to respond
13. Instructions
      Indications for how to present instructions to complete the questionnaire
14. Anonymity and privacy
      Indications to manage and ensure users’ anonymity and privacy
15. Costs
      Costs that sometimes the users have to pay to participate at the survey
16. Repeated answers
      How to use email address, cookies, IP number and thank you message to avoid repeated answers
17. Screen and type of devices
      Indications for screen size and questionnaire’s adaptation to the type of device
18. User’s computer competence
      How to design the system taking in account the sills of potential users
19. Technical procedures
      Which technical procedures can be requested to the users in order to participate at the survey
20. Browser and file size
      Technical indications for browser use and files’ size