Table 3: Estimates of PQC of the population target size under study, on a regional basis, obtained on the basis of the 5 target domains with the NSUM approach and with the traditional CRO approach. Percentage (%) and absolute numbers (N) for the CRO approach.

PQC domains % IC (%)
NSUM Approach
Inadequate directions 6.82 6.33 - 7.31
Inadequate cooperation and courtesy of the personnel working in the Institute 2.44 2.15 - 2.74
Inadequate treatment received by Doctors of the Institute 2.34 2.06 - 2.63
Short waiting time for the medical consultation after scheduling an appointment 3.85 3.49 - 4.22
Inadequate general Service provided by this Institute 4.28 3.89 - 4.67
CRO Approach
Inadequate directions 2.67 (8) 0.84-4.49
Inadequate cooperation and courtesy of the personnel working in the Institute 0.33 (1) 0.00–0.99
Inadequate treatment received by doctors of the Institute 0.17 (1) 0.00-0.63
Short waiting time for the medical consultation after scheduling an appointment 36.00 (108) 30.57-41.43
Inadequate general Service provided by this Institute 0.67 (2) 0.00-1.59