Table 1: Acceptability of IWSS technology among Community Healthcare Nurses (n = 17).

Items % of positive responses from CHNs (n = 17)
Satisfaction with the use of the IWSS
- Compared to presentation of the IWSS that was made to you, were you satisfied with the use of the technology?
- How would you evaluate the usefulness of the IWSS? Did it help you?
- In your opinion, did the IWSS become an indispensable part of your daily activity?

6% (n = 1)6% (n = 1)(n = 0)*
Installation of the IWSS
- Was the length of the assessment period prior to the installation of IWSS acceptable?
- Concerning the previous interview, was the content of the previous interview acceptable?
- Was that the duration of sensor placement acceptable?
- Was setting the alert indicators easy to do?

50% (n = 8)
31% (n = 5)
50% (n = 8)
59% (n = 10)
- Did you have difficulty understanding how to use the IWSS’s software?
- Could you integrate data from the IWSS into your patients’ care management?

59% (n = 10)
6% (n = 1)
Credibility – Ease of use – Safety
- Was the IWSS interface easy to use?
- Was the IWSS a reliable and appropriate one with which to ensure the safety of home-dwelling older patients?
- Were the alert messages useful for adapting your patients’ care?
- Was the IWSS better than you expected?
- Was the IWSS easy to integrate with other technologies used in your daily practice?
- The IWSS did not overload daily planned care and nursing activities?
- Did the IWSS provide you with useful information that is otherwise inaccessible?

29% (n = 5)
18% (n = 3)
0% (n = 0)*
0% (n = 0)*
6% (n = 1)
6% (n = 1)
6% (n = 1)
Information collected by the IWSS available for CHN (638 alerts generated)
- Alerts judged to have been useful (n = 608 validated)
- Alerts which needed further investigation
- Alerts judged to have been irrelevant
- Alerts judged to have been technical errors

23% (n = 137)
16% (n = 94)
56% (n = 337)
7% (n = 40)

Note*None of the participating CHNs considered the IWSS provided useful, credible information.